Newkirk Church of Christ

328 N. Main Street

Newkirk, OK 74647


You are invited. Every Tuesday 6:00 PM

Community Bible Study — Not Just Another Bible Study!


Starting January 7, 2020, we will begin a study of the Gospel of Mark

Over the years we have covered many different subjects and Bible books in our Tuesday night studies but never 1 & 2 Peter. This promises to be a wonderful chance to broaden our understanding of God’s word.

24 years ago a church in Ponca City, Ok started a weekly Bible Study that they called House to House. They met in different homes for a discussion type Bible Study that was followed by a period of Fellowship (refreshments) after the study. At some point this House to House moved to Newkirk, Ok a much smaller community, but it has prospered here for many years.

We still follow the same format. We start with a review of the prayer list and then prayer. Then it is into our Bibles. We have studied a number of Bible topics and books over the years. I guess what makes this unique is the open discussion format. We do our best to set an atmosphere where anyone can state their thoughts on the matter without fear of be humiliated or made to feel inferior. Do not take that to mean everyone always agrees as we do not, but we try to reach agreement based on scripture rather than on our cultural or religious basis. We are not always able to reach that agreement but we always put God first and then go home to study some more and reflect on the things that were brought out in class.

Newkirk Tuesday Bible Class